Community Church Sermons


November 12, 2006


“Unless The Lord Builds The House…”

Psalm 127



This is an anxious time in the life of our church. Whenever a congregation needs to come together and talk about change, there is anxiety that goes along with it. This is especially true when the change has to do with the future of buildings and spaces that have become sacred to us. When we gather together this evening to talk about the future of our church, it will be an anxious moment.


And yet, this is not the first time we have had this conversation. When Carl Burke, Bob Puckett and a few others planned what was described as “an exploratory” Christmas Eve service way back in 1987, there were no certainties about how it would work out. But they talked it through and the service was held in the Cooper Communities’ Visitors Center. Thirty people showed up! Was there enough interest to start a church? Eight families decided to try. But it was an anxious time. What would it cost in terms of money and commitment? Where would the worship services be held? So they talked it through.


The first sanctuary of our church was Art and Iris Spurrier’s living room! A service was planned for Palm Sunday – March 27th, 1988. A handful of people came. It was a wonderful service! A copy of that worship bulletin is posted on a wall in the Narthex. I hope you’ll take a look at it and imagine how the people who worshiped that day were both excited and anxious about the future. They wanted to do something the next Sunday too - on Easter morning – a sunrise service! But where would it be held? They decided to go back to the Visitors Center! And from there, the little church kept moving its worship space – from home to home, and when homes were not large enough anymore, back to the Visitors Center – and to the Yacht Club – and to the Recreation Center – and back to the Yacht Club – and back to the Rec Center – and, well you get the drift! The sanctuary was always changing, trying to fit the ministry that God was blessing.  The pulpit was portable in those days because the members never quite knew where they were going next. Like Palladin in the old Gunsmoke TV show, Dr. Burke’s motto might well have been, “Have pulpit, will travel.”


I imagine it must have been a VERY anxious time when the idea of building our own sanctuary was first presented. In Worth Wilkerson’s history of our church, he writes, “Concerned that the lack of space would limit future growth, the Church Council, in late 1991, appointed a building committee.” There were 186 members at the time! That’s only about 90 giving units. And the cost of a new building would be about 1.4 million dollars! What an outlandish idea! But they talked it through, and figured out a way to make it happen! And here we are.


It’s a beautiful sanctuary, isn’t it? My heart thrills whenever I walk in, because I find myself thinking back to the first time I saw it. I was a candidate to succeed Dr. Carl Burke when he decided it was time to retire. Church members were really worried. They had a new building, a big mortgage, and the uncertainty of a new pastor – from Massachusetts of all places! It was an anxious time – for them, and for me. But we talked it through, and the change came. But there were other changes ahead.


Ten years ago when I arrived, this sanctuary was very different than today. The blue panels up in the front weren’t blue. The only stained glass window was this one up in front, and it had been only recently installed. Before that there was just a huge clear glass window and when the sun came through, it shined in the eyes of the worshipers. That’s why some of our original members sit in the seats they do! They found places where the sun didn’t shine in their eyes! As I recall, the members dealt with this by installing a big window shade that could be pulled down. The new stained glass window was a welcome relief. But it changed the natural look of the sanctuary. Sometimes change is important to make a ministry more effective. Even so, change can be unsettling.


Did you know that ten years ago, the pews only went back about halfway? The coffee fellowship was held behind them. But as our ministry grew, we added pews, and some beautiful new stained glass windows, and a sound system….oh, talk about a problem! The original sound system was a round ball that hung from the ceiling. We called it “sputnik” because that’s what it looked like. It was more of a factory paging system than a real church sound system. So changes were made. Lots of them. Over and over again. Currently, we have about 10-kazillion dollars invested in our sound system and still we have problems! Plus, many of us are going deaf!


New pastor. New pews. New windows. New chancel. New services. New people. Do you know that over a thousand people have joined our church in the last ten years? When our 8 o’clock service began in 1998, there was anxiety over whether anyone would come. Bob Puckett, Pat Provart and I stood by the Narthex doors looking for cars. 7:30. No one. 7:45. No one. Five minutes before eight…a set of headlights pulled into the parking lot…and then another…and another…! We didn’t care that they backed into their parking places and kept the engines running to make a fast break out to breakfast afterwards! Only kidding! About 60 people came to that first 8 o’clock service. Today there are about 250, and soon it will be the size of the 10:30 service. What will we do as we struggle with being able to provide an aging congregation with convenient parking and comfortable seating? What will we do to be welcoming to younger people as they move or retire to the area? What will we do to be the church God created us to be – a Community Church that welcomes all who choose to worship with us, and join our mission of loving our neighbors as ourselves?


Well, the first thing we’ll do is talk about it. What will happen tonight at the Town Hall Meeting is the same thing we have done over and over again since the very beginning of our church. We’ll come together as brothers and sisters in Christ. We’ll talk respectfully. We’ll listen respectfully. We’ll pray. And somewhere along the line, God will show us the way.


Tom Troeger has written a parable about a church facing change. It is a parable that, more broadly, is about the dramatic shifts that are taking place in the larger Christian Church these days. More narrowly though, it describes a local church like ours, facing a problem and needing to solve it. Imagine above you in the nave, if you will, a gigantic mosaic of God the Father Almighty. Listen to the parable:


Some said

there had been too much rain

and the roof

long cracked after years of stress

gave way from water seeping in.


Others said

what fell from the heavens

had nothing to do with it,

that the earth had shifted

and the church walls

had pushed out toward the city market so that the massive mosaic of the Almighty Father

had fallen in and left a hole,

a silhouette of the icon

that used to command the whole church

from high above the nave.


Services now

were held under the God-shaped hole:

prayers said

hymns sung

infants baptized

sermons preached

offerings made

communion celebrated

couples wed

the dead remembered.


Meanwhile reconstruction began,

but it turned out harder than planned.

Some folks had taken home

bits of the original mosaic

as a piece of devotion or historical curiosity,

and when it was discovered

there was not enough left to restore

the original ancient grandeur

debates erupted if they should even try

to recreate what was lost.


Some said

they should begin and finish the project

as quickly as possible

because people were not coming as they used to

since the icon had collapsed.


Others pointed out

new people were entering the church

curious about the place

in a way they never were before.

And these newcomers joined

with those who had always been scared

by the icon’s fierce eyes

to suggest they replace the old image

with a new one.


The differences about what to do

broke into conflict

so that for now the construction

was nearly halted,

though some workers

tried to assemble the roof in bits and pieces.


But without an overall plan

nothing would stay put.

Even the stars that surrounded the hole

began to fall from the ceiling

so that another party arose

suggesting they take down the entire

edifice and start all over anew –


Except that the most devout

could not bear to lose this or that altar

where they had prayed so long

and the stones were worn smooth

by the knees of many generations.


So for the time being

all that was done

was to rope off the area beneath

the God-shaped hole

to make sure no one was hit by a piece

that would fall from time to time

from a cracked angel or star

and to pray

that people would keep coming

while the church continued to be,

as the sign alerting those who entered said:


Under Reconstruction.[1]


They who have ears to hear, let them hear.


A parking lot that was once more than enough is now not nearly enough – especially for those who have trouble walking – and driving! Sometimes, I wonder if it wouldn’t be a good idea for us all to buy bumper cars – like the ones at the amusement park! That’d be safer, and more fun!


A sanctuary that was once more than enough is now not nearly enough. And watching the 8 o’clock service swell, and folding chairs often set up in the back for the 10:30, makes one concerned about whether we are as welcoming as we started out to be.


And just like the God-shaped hole in the parable, our God-shaped hole caused by the growth of the Community church, produces in us many of the same anxieties and conflicting ideas we see in the story.


Perhaps we should do nothing with the God-shaped hole. Perhaps we should renovate and remodel. Perhaps we should tear everything down and build anew.


I don’t know what the best answer is. But here is what I do know:


“Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build labor in vain…”


The real achievement in the brief history of Tellico Village Community Church is not that we have built beautiful buildings and grounds, but rather, that we have been faithful to what God is building in the world – a kingdom where all God’s children are welcomed, a community where abused children are protected, and hungry people fed, and young people nurtured and educated, and old people cared for all their days, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed and lived out through the lives of ordinary people like you and me.


The purpose of the Church is not to build monuments either to God or to ourselves. The purpose of the Church is to serve.


“Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build labor in vain…”


Tonight, we’ll get together and talk about how we can serve the Lord.



[1] Thomas L. Troeger, Preaching While Under Reconstruction, Abingdon Press, 1999, pp. 11-13