Community Church Sermons


November 18, 2007

Pentecost 25

“That Will Be The Day”

Dr. R. Tim Meadows


Isaiah 65:17-25


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Have you ever lived in anticipation of a big day in your life? I know I have! I remember the graduations; high school, college, masters, and finally the Ph.D.  I remember the day of my wedding, the first day of my first adult, post college job, my first visit to Tellico Village. Life is filled with all kinds of days that we anticipate.

That place of anticipation is where we find the prophet Isaiah in our biblical readings today. He is anticipating a time when the people of God will no longer live in exile. He is anticipating a time when the people of God will no longer live in alienation from God and from each other. He is anticipating a day of triumph when the people of God will once again embrace life as a gift worth living to the fullest extent.

Among those listening to the prophet there are no doubt those whose response to Isaiah was Yeah! Right! That Will Be The Day! Critics who despite their past with God, and the promises of God, view with disdain any belief that life will ever be any different than the difficult days they have known.

I can just imagine the prophet standing in the midst of these nay - sayers and proclaiming “You know what? You are right. That will be the day, and the coming of that day depends on you!”

That day will come when your incessant talk of the “good ole days” vanishes. Since your journey out of Egypt, you have remembered fondly a past that never was and never will be. The day you let go of the past and reach out to God’s promised future - - - - That Will Be The Day!

When you recognize that the hope of God trumps the hopelessness of your present circumstances, and you seek to live in the reality of that hope - - - - That Will Be The Day!

When you seek the joy and happiness that comes from loving God and loving others, and you put aside distrust, jealousy, envy, and unnecessary competition - - - - That Will Be The Day!

When you understand that life is worth living and you seek to fill as many years as you can with meaning and purpose - - - - That Will Be The Day!

When you understand that conflict is never a permanent solution, but inevitably leads to further conflict, and you find a way to peace - - - - That Will Be The Day!

When I think about those days of anticipation that I mentioned earlier, I realize that I am not much different than the prophet’s critics. As I approached each one of those days and others like them, I was often filled with fear and anxiety. I was often tempted to cling to the “good ole days” that I knew rather than face the future. I was often paralyzed by hopelessness, distrust, jealousy, envy, and unnecessary completion. I almost missed every one of the great days of my life, because of me.

This is the message of the prophet Isaiah to the Hebrew people and to us. The Lord has prepared to give us all that is good from the fullness of God’s creation, but we may miss it because of us. We may miss God’s goodness because within us there is that critic’s voice that says: “Yeah! Right! That Will Be The Day!”

May God grant us the strength to let go of our past for God’s future! May God grant us the hope we need to overcome our hopelessness!   May God grant us healing for the things that divide us and bring conflict! May God grant us courage for the living of our days! May God help us to sing with the Psalmist “This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it!” May that day come sooner rather than later!  AMEN!