Community Church Sermons

January 20, 2008

Second Sunday After the Epiphany

“From Huh? To Wow!:  Reactions to Jesus”


John 1:29-42

Dr. R. Tim Meadows, Associate Pastor


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    In the early portion of the twentieth century the celebrity of the day who commanded attention similar to Oprah or Hannah Montana in our day was a diminutive, irascible, scientist with really bad hair known simply to most people as Einstein. One interpreter of the age says the work of Einstein, had the wondrous mix of HUH? And WOW!, that could capture the public imagination.

            From  HUH? to WOW!, that was also the wondrous mix of reactions among the first people who encountered Jesus. They were not exactly sure who this new teacher was, or what his impact on the world as they knew it would be, but they knew he was different. They knew he was provocative. They knew something significant would come from this life.

            From HUH? To WOW!, is precisely the course that the gospel of John follows as it seeks to tell the story of Jesus. They surely said HUH? when John the Baptist declared Jesus as the Lamb of God, who would reconcile God and creation. When John the Baptist said the Spirit of God rested on Jesus. When John the Baptist said Jesus was the Son of God. John the Baptist himself said HUH? when his own life was at risk because of his commitment to Jesus. Jesus said HUH? about the mission of his life in the garden at Gethsemane.

            HUH? may be where you are with Jesus today. You may wonder what it all means? How it all will play out? What difference it makes, anyway? HUH? is a natural state. A state not so much of doubt, as of curiosity. HUH? is a state through which we all pass if we are honest with God, ourselves, and our experience with Jesus. HUH? is a state to which we often return, when life turns in unexpected or difficult ways, that create a crisis of faith.

            WOW! was also a response to Jesus from many of those early disciples. As they watched what he did, as they heard what he said, as they saw how he related to people, they found him different from anyone they had ever encountered, and that difference prompted a WOW!

            WOW! may be where you are with Jesus today. You may have been blessed by God’s goodness. You may have experienced God’s peace. You may have been helped by the people of God. WOW! is a state through which we all pass if we are honest with God, ourselves, and our experience with Jesus. WOW! is a reaction to the goodness of God that can help assure our faith.

            From  HUH? to WOW!, the reality of our experience with Jesus is that we frequently alternate between the two. We have those moments when Jesus makes no sense to us at all, and we have those moments which only seem possible because of God in Christ. The important thing to remember is that in whichever place you find yourself, God is there, God is big enough to handle whatever you are feeling, and God loves you no matter what.

            As John tells the story of Jesus, the earliest disciples alternated between HUH? and WOW!, often wondered where Jesus was going, but followed him, anyway, and always seemed to want to introduce others to him. As we make our way through the journey of life, may this also be true of our experience with Jesus. AMEN!