Community Church Sermons

December 28, 2008

The First Sunday After Christmas

“Wise Guys”

Matthew 2:1-12

Rev. Dr. R. Tim Meadows

WOW! This has been a long journey and we have finally arrived. The anticipation of what we will find has been almost uncontainable for two days now. We are told this young child is the long anticipated Messiah from the line of King David. We are told he will be the deliverer of his people. I am not quite sure all that the designation means, but I am sure watching it develop will be exciting. I wonder how long it will be before this little one emerges as Messiah. I wonder what kind of Messiah, he will be. I wonder how his people will receive him. I’m sure expectations will be great.

I have been studying the stars for most of my adult life, and I must tell you I’ve never quite seen a star like the one we followed her. The star seemed to have almost human qualities; a sense of direction, an ability to communicate, the ability to appear promptly each night at twilight, just so we could see where we were to go next.

We’ve brought gifts. I hope he will like them. I must tell you that we debated these gifts intensely as we prepared for the journey, until we finally settled on some precious commodities; gold, frankincense, and myrrh. One of our wiser travelers says these gifts represent an investment in the child’s future. I hope so; otherwise they are just strange, maybe even weird! We’ve also brought word from a King Herod who says he wants to come and see the child and offer his respect and congratulations. I must tell you I am not so sure of Herod’s motives. I think he may actually be a bit intimidated by this little one. I think he may desire to do the child harm. I think we may have to reconsider our agreement to return and inform him of the child’s location. I know that disobedience to a King is considered a dishonorable and dangerous thing, but I also believe that in some instances obedience to a king may be a dishonorable and dangerous thing. What to do? I am sure somehow we will figure out what is best.

Oh! The door to the home is opening.  What will we find in this humble home, which certainly does not look like a place for a Messiah, for a king. What will we find? I do not know, but I hope we find hope in his innocence that will compel us toward the future. What will we find? I do not know, but I hope we find a way to peace through his young mind, not yet hardened by violence, political allegiance, hatred, or betrayal. What will we find? I do not know, but I hope we find joy. The kind of joy that comes from imagining and anticipating the seemingly limitless potential in a young life. What will we find? I do not know, but I hope we find love. The kind of love that comes from somewhere outside of ourselves and revolutionizes us and our world.

What will we find in the presence of this child? I do not know for certain, but I think it will be awesome! What will you find in the presence of this child? I do not know for certain, but you must make the journey into his presence to find out! I think it will be awesome!