One of the theologians I really appreciate is Gabe Fackre (now retired from Andover-Newton Theological Seminary). Dr. Fackre wrote a book called “Christian Basics” in which he very creatively described some of the deepest spiritual goings-on in our lives. One of my favorites is his account of the beginnings of humanity’s relationship with God.

“In the beginning”, Dr. Fackre writes, “God had a dream. The world is bathed in the Divine light. Creation and Creator are one. There is joy and peace in Eden.”

Then he goes on to say that we might picture this as a campfire scene. God is the roaring blaze. Humanity sits around the fire – arms linked, unafraid, warm, full, joyous, celebrating the divine Light that binds them together.

But then something happens.

For some unexplained reason, people love the darkness more than the Light. All at once, the people circling the fire spin around on their heels, drawn by the power of darkness. The about-face breaks the bond. Facing outward now, the people can’t find each other anymore. Nor can they see the Light. Even nature takes on a fearsome look as the distorted shadows of the lonely people play on the forest round about. And with every step the people take, they further separate from each other, and from the Light.

This is not what God wanted.

As God’s dream of perfect unity between people and Himself – and people with each other – begins to fade into the night, God resolves to not let the Dream die.

Suddenly a great wind of the Holy Spirit comes upon the campfire, and a shower of sparks shoots into the night sky. Glowing embers of the fire fall upon the hearts of every person. They are buried deep within. Now, no matter how far from God they wander, there is always something within reminding them of God’s dream, calling them back to the Light.

And this is why, dear friend, when you look up at the stars in the dark nighttime sky, you can’t help but wonder about…God.