Holy Week.

Yesterday, we Christians observed Palm Sunday. Remembering the day Jesus was paraded into the Holy City just before his arrest and murder, we waved palm branches in the air and shouted “Hosanna!” which means “Save us now!” What appeared at first to be the beginning of the end for Rome’s reign of terror turned out to be the end of Jesus. Christ the Hoped-For-Conqueror became Christ the Crucified, Dead and Buried.

Interesting contrast isn’t it?

We humans want so much to fight for the right. To overcome the powers of evil. To win freedom for us and those we love by destroying those we don’t. That’s why we wave palm branches – or banners – or flags – and shout “Hosanna!”

Not so Jesus.

He entered Jerusalem that day to fight for the Love. To overcome evil with Good. To set the world Free by walking the path of  God’s Redeeming Grace rather than the road of human Triumphalism.*

The road Jesus walked had no brass bands marching in step playing nationalistic victory songs, no flags waving, no swelling patriotic fervor. No, the road Jesus walked began in tears and ended in death.

It was the ultimate test of whether God truly is GOD and if God’s LOVE really conquers all things including death itself.

Oh, it was a LONELY road that Jesus walked.

It still is.

But word has it that those who choose to not strike up the band in favor of taking up the Cross make a tremendous difference in this hurting world of ours.

Why, its almost as if death gives way to LIFE!

And the lonely road turns out to be the only way to Easter.


*Triumphalism is the attitude or belief that a particular doctrine, religion, culture, or social system is superior to and should triumph over all others.