During a news conference Tuesday, President Trump defended the comment he made Saturday when he said “many sides” were to blame for the violence in Charlottesville, Va., that left one woman dead. – USA Today, August 16, 2017

Yes, Mr. President, you’re right. There was violence perpetuated by both sides of the Charlottesville march. Protest marches are almost never sanitized non-violent affairs. Someone throws an egg. Someone else retaliates by throwing a stone. Others throw punches. Both protesters and counter-protestors get caught up in the moment. Violence can almost always be expected when people march.

But that’s not the point, Mr. President.

Violence was the result of what happened in Charlottesville, not the cause.

The cause of what happened there was hate.

The K.K.K. White Supremacists. Neo-Nazis. Others.

Groups that exist to hate.

Hate blacks. Hate Jews. Hate non-Europeans. Hate anyone who disagrees with their racist worldview.

These hate groups descended upon Charlottesville ostensibly to protest the removal of a statue. But the actual goal was to “unite the right” and “take our country back.”

Preserving monuments had nothing to do with what happened in Charlottesville.

It was all about rallying the forces of hate.

Mr. President, I really don’t give a flying shit about whether “both sides” were violent last Saturday.

Of course both sides were.

But only one side stands for hate.

Only ONE side hates blacks.

Only ONE side hates Jews.

Only ONE side hates anyone who is not a lily-white northern European to whom they believe God gave America in the first place.

Mr. President, you’re missing the point.

I pray you “get it” before hate wins another day in America.