The best place to look for God is not in the Bible. Not in the Church. Not in any religion.

Not even in your heart.

The best place to look for God is UP!

Up into the heavens.

“The heavens are telling the glory of God,” proclaims Psalm 19.1.

Are we listening?

I’m fascinated by astrophysics – astronomy – cosmology – any field that probes the mystery of the universe. In some ways, science has it all over religion because science dares to look UP while religion often aims DOWN. We religious people have a tendency to think that the only reality there is in life is the little patch of ground we’re standing on.

So the scriptures tell us to look UP!

The world is bigger than we can imagine.

Think about this: the Earth upon which we live is but one of 8 planets (yes 8, not 9 as we once thought) orbiting a star we call the “Sun”. This home star of ours is but one of amilkyway5 galaxy of stars called the “Milky Way.” And the Milky Way galaxy consists of 300 – 400 BILLION stars!

But the Milky Way is not the only show in town. There are some 170 BILLION other galaxies that have been observed. How many billions of stars comprise these billions of galaxies?

Well, if you multiply the number of stars in our galaxy by the number of galaxies in the Universe, you get approximately 1024 stars. That’s a 1 followed by twenty-four zeros.

That’s a septillion stars.

But there could be more than that.


What we DO know for sure is this:

The Universe is BIG!


So if this amazing universe really is telling us something about God, what do you think the message is?

Here’s one idea: Among countless other things, surely the heavens are telling us to not be so certain about what we think we know about God.

God is much bigger and far more glorious than we can imagine!