“Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.”

~ Oscar Wilde

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So far [email protected] has created 438 blog entries.

“Righteous Anger”

2024-08-09T13:15:57-04:00August 9th, 2024|Sermon Stories|

“I remember one time when I was in high school—it was during the war, the Second World War—I got a job during the Christmas vacation . . . I got a job with the post office delivering parcel post because all the able-bodied men were in the military all scattered all over the world. And I worked, the first year I must have been fifteen, and that year I worked with a black fellow who was a regular postal employee, and we used an army truck to deliver parcel post—guys were all over the world sending stuff back for [READ MORE]

“Hanging Around” – 2 Samuel 18:5-9, 15, 31-33 (Year B, Proper 14 (19)

2024-08-06T11:42:04-04:00August 6th, 2024|Lectionary Sermon Starters|

A Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Rhonda Abbott Blevins Senior Pastor, Chapel by the Sea, Clearwater Beach FL Read the Lectionary Texts Thanks be to God for the word of the Lord! For Holy Scriptures that often inspire us, that frequently challenge us, and that sometimes even make us laugh out loud, as was the case for me when I read the Old Testament lectionary text for this week. The main character in this story is Absalom, the third son of King David. Absalom was, in the words of Frederick Buechner, “the thorn in [David’s] flesh, but he was [READ MORE]

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