“Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.”

~ Oscar Wilde

Cast Your Nets on the Other Side

2017-08-01T09:20:20-04:00July 4th, 2017|Camp Singley|

"Ain't no fish in that lake!" That's what they said. We'd just moved into Camp Singley back in 1977 and I was raring to go fishing. But all our new neighbors and even Bud Shaftoe said the same thing. "Ain't no fish in that lake!" I couldn't understand how that could be true. Highland Lake is a 7-mile long stream-fed lake. A small dam on the south end of the lake creates almost 700 acres of impounded water ranging in depth from 7 to 30 feet. Surely there had to be one or two fish in a lake like that! But [READ MORE]

Camp Singley – A Place of Our Own

2017-08-01T09:22:01-04:00July 3rd, 2017|Camp Singley|

Sandy's dad loved fishing. Jim Angell worked for the railroad as a signal maintainer. This work sent him all over the Massachusetts backcountry fixing signal-related problems. Jim kept a fishing rod in the truck at all times, just in case he ran into a stream or pond that needed fishing. The jackpot came whenever he happened to spot a fisheries truck parked along a shoreline, stocking trout. As soon as the truck left ... That ol' Jim Angell just LOVED fishing! After Jim's passing, Sandy and her sister inherited the family house. We were not interested in keeping the [READ MORE]

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