“Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.”

~ Oscar Wilde

“Only God” – Mark 16:1-8 (Year B, Easter Sunday)

2024-03-18T11:49:28-04:00March 25th, 2024|Lectionary Sermon Starters|

Read the Easter Text   They had done everything they could. Do you remember how these disciples of Jesus had arranged the parade last Sunday? Throwing their cloaks on the ground and waving palm branches in the air, they had shouted, “Hosanna!” as Jesus came to Jerusalem. They hoped Jesus was a king like David who would mount an insurrection against the occupying Roman army and so set the nation free! That never happened, of course. But at least they had done everything they could. Peter had stuck with Jesus right up until the Romans arrested the Lord. He [READ MORE]

“Were You There?” – Mark 11:1-11 (Year B, Palm Sunday)

2024-03-14T12:25:22-04:00March 18th, 2024|Lectionary Sermon Starters|

Read the Lectionary Text We can only imagine what Jesus saw as the donkey upon which he was riding crested the Mt. of Olives just east of the city of Jerusalem. Olivet, as it is sometimes called, is less a mountain and more a hill, rising to a height of about 2,700 feet. But that is 200-feet higher than Mt. Zion where Jerusalem is built. So picture, if you will, what it must have looked like to Jesus as that little donkey struggled the last few paces toward the top of the hill, finally arriving at the summit, revealing [READ MORE]

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