“Seeing Red”, Acts 2:1-21 (Year B, Pentecost Sunday)

2024-05-16T11:41:37-04:00May 16th, 2024|Lectionary Sermon Starters|

A Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Rhonda Abbott Blevins Senior Pastor, Chapel by the Sea, Clearwater Beach FL Read the Lectionary Texts Are you seeing red? Have you noticed the red paraments and the pastors’ flashy red stoles? Even the choir is donned in red! It’s Pentecost Sunday, traditionally the only Sunday of the year when churches get all decked out in red. It’s one of my favorite Sundays of the Christian year, because, well, I’m a “winter,” and I look good in red! Today we celebrate the birthday of the worldwide church. Today we remember how the Holy [READ MORE]