“Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.”

~ Oscar Wilde

“It’s All About Me – Or Is It? – James 3:13-4:3 (Year B, Proper 20 (25))

2024-09-16T13:01:16-04:00September 16th, 2024|Lectionary Sermon Starters|

Read the Lectionary Texts   Once upon a time there was a Squire who longed to be a Knight. He wanted to serve his King and be the most honorable and noble Knight who ever lived.  When the day of his Knighting came, he was so overcome by dedication that he made a special oath.  He vowed loyalty and devotion to the King and the King only. He would bow his knees and lift his arms in homage to no person other than his King. This Knight was given the assignment of guarding a city way out on the frontier of [READ MORE]

“Watch Your Tongue!”- James 3:1-12 (Year B, Proper 19 (24))

2024-10-18T11:49:16-04:00September 9th, 2024|Lectionary Sermon Starters|

Read the Lectionary Texts   We've been taking a journey these past several weeks through the New Testament letter of James. This letter has great appeal to me because it is, if nothing else, a book on practical, down-to-earth Christianity. James is small on "talking the faith", but big on "walking the faith". In a sense, James teaches us how to be Christians without being religious nutjobs. And so far, we've learned some excellent ways to practice the Christian faith in our ordinary everyday lives. How do you live like a Christian? Well, James tells us to be generous givers of [READ MORE]

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