Morgan Freeman, God, and Living into the Moment

2025-02-11T15:38:15-05:00January 10th, 2020|Musings, Uncategorized|

Years ago, I found myself trapped—yes, trapped—in Dulles Airport, Washington, D.C. Well, okay, not literally trapped (no dramatic escape needed), but stuck overnight because of bad weather. Our flight back to Knoxville? Canceled.Now, if you’ve never spent the night in an airport, let me tell you—it’s not exactly a five-star resort experience. There were no cozy beds, no warm cookies, no complimentary robes. Just the hum of vending machines and the occasional “This is a TSA security reminder…” announcement that slowly eats away at your sanity.Nobody was thrilled. Everyone wanted to be somewhere else, preferably anywhere that didn’t involve [READ MORE]