“Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.”

~ Oscar Wilde

The Art of Staying Awake

2017-07-14T09:33:15-04:00October 26th, 2016|Sermons|

Matthew 24:36-44 (With Chrismon Service) When will the Kingdom come? When will the long night be over, and the new day dawn? When will hunger be eradicated, racism overcome? When will all children be healthy, and all wrongs righted, and tears wiped away from every eye, and the lion lay down with the lamb, and no one learns war anymore? When will the world be made right? This is the question Christians ask at Advent. When will the Kingdom – the world you’ve always wanted to live in and that you want for your children and grandchildren - finally [READ MORE]

The Signs of Advent

2017-07-14T09:33:15-04:00October 26th, 2016|Sermons|

Luke 21:25-36 Today's message is about signs. Life is full of signs of one kind or another. Like the DPW sign on the highway to our place in New Hampshire. Just as the road winds between two cemeteries, the Protestant cemetery on the right, the Catholic cemetery on the left, the great big yellow highway sign says, "Go Slow, Thickly Settled." Or like the Krispy Kreme Donut sign in the front window of the store on the Kingston Pike. Everybody knows that when the red circle is lighted, it means the donuts are hot off the assembly line. Hmmmmm-mmmmmm! Life is full [READ MORE]

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