“Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.”

~ Oscar Wilde

Flunking Physics – Part 4: “HowThe Bible Proves Science”

2018-05-16T13:59:17-04:00November 10th, 2015|Uncategorized|

Say WHAT? The Bible PROVES science? Don’t we religious types spend a lot of effort doing just the opposite – trying to get science to prove the claims of the Bible? Remember hearing about all those expeditions to Mt. Ararat in eastern Turkey to find Noah’s Ark? And those internet stories about how NASA scientists using a supercomputer discovered there is actually a day missing in history? Some say this is proof of the claim in the book of Joshua that the sun stood still for a day to give the Israelites time to finish wiping out their enemies! Of course, none [READ MORE]

Flunking Physics – Part 3: “How the Second Law of Thermodynamics is Changing Your Faith”

2018-05-16T14:05:50-04:00October 22nd, 2015|Uncategorized|

There is a certain direction to life. You can "see" this direction when you notice that an egg can become an omelet, but an omelet cannot become an egg; hot water can get cold but cold water cannot get hot; milk can spill but spilled milk cannot unspill; and people - you and I - are born, then we age, and then we die. We always grow older, never younger. There is a certain direction to life And it is always forward. In Physicsspeak, a low-entropy system - over time - tends to become a higher entropy system. In human language, [READ MORE]

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