“Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.”

~ Oscar Wilde

Of Guns and Gospel

2016-10-13T10:43:05-04:00October 5th, 2015|Uncategorized|

Another mass shooting, this one at a Community College in Roseburg, Oregon. Nine innocents dead. Seven wounded. At church yesterday a friend expressed pure exasperation. "It's happened again!" she sighed. For her, the Oregon shooting was deeply personal. Three years ago a dear friend and his two daughters had been among the moviegoers at the Century 16 theater in Aurora, CO. When James Holmes started shooting into the crowd the friend commanded his kids to run and get out. They survived. He did not. Now the daughters of 51 year old Gordon Cowden struggle to deal with the terrible loss of their [READ MORE]

Well That Was Fun!

2016-10-13T10:43:07-04:00September 2nd, 2015|Uncategorized|

My most recent blog post referencing Black Lives Matter elicited quite a response on Facebook. It was interesting to read the comments of others - many of which were very thoughtful but most of which missed the point entirely. My interest is in how religion intersects with life in all its big, bold reality. Those who commented on the post certainly demonstrated that racial discord is on everyone's mind. I appreciate those who shared their thoughts. But here's the rub. Yes, we ALL know how bad things are and everyone has an opinion about the racial turmoil reverberating throughout [READ MORE]

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