
2019-04-08T20:39:00-04:00October 12th, 2018|Uncategorized|

October 12, 2018 Three months ago today Sandy went home to God. Seems like yesterday. Yet feels like so long ago. I find myself living somewhere between the past and the future. And I don't yet know how to do this in-between thing. Some days I'm right back there on July 12th, struggling to come to grips with the fact she has left me. Other times I'm staring out at the future wondering how to carve out a new life without her. We were married for 48 years. Dated for 5 years before that. Spent more than half our [READ MORE]

Most Beautiful – a Eulogy for My Wife Sandy

2018-07-27T10:09:54-04:00July 27th, 2018|Uncategorized|

Sandra Lee (Angell) Singley - January 11, 1951 - July 12, 2018 She was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. We were at a youth group function at our church. Sandy and some friends were sitting on the stage in the fellowship hall, legs dangling over the front edge. I’m sure I had seen Sandy before but I’d never really noticed her. But that day I noticed! She had the most beautiful long legs dangling over the edge of that stage, and this was back in the day when girls wore miniskirts. So there was a [READ MORE]

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