Marty’s Musings2025-01-28T10:10:56-05:00

Musings and More

Leaving Mayberry RFD

Some time ago, someone came up with the idea of developing a Bible study that is accompanied by watching videos of the old Andy Griffith Show. It’s very popular. The thought behind it is that the values expressed in the lives of Andy and Aunt Bee and Opie and Goober and Gomer and deputy [READ MORE]

What’s With All This “Gimme That Old Time Religion” Crap?

It is December 11th, 1998. The sleek spacecraft sits on the pad at Cape Canaveral, high atop a Delta 7925 rocket. As the countdown spins toward zero, a redundant series of supercomputers provide management for the rocket’s thruster systems. The zero stage solid fuel engine ignites on cue, burning for precisely [READ MORE]

Holding on to “History”

I’ve been following with some interest the news story about Gordon College’s request to be allowed to discriminate in its hiring practices against homosexual persons. According to the Boston Globe, “The president of a small Christian college north of Boston was among 14 religious leaders who sent a letter to [READ MORE]

The High Cost of Red Stew

Genesis 25: 19-34 and Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23  There‘s a cute little saying about the human brain that goes something like this: “The brain is an amazing organ. It starts working the moment you are born … and doesn’t stop until the minute you stand up to speak in public.” I like [READ MORE]

Jesus at 7

I was watching a TED video the other day and the speaker was talking about how our educational system strips away creativity and basically prepares kids to become college professors. Ever notice how public school curricula always have a hierarchy of subjects, with Math, Language, Science, etc. at the top [READ MORE]

The Holy Trinity Explained

Ever notice how when we Christians say we believe in one God – who exists as Father, Son and Holy Spirit – people look at us like we’re friends with Bob Wylie, that lovable but very mentally unstable hero of the movie “What About Bob?” And one of my favorite lines from [READ MORE]

From Martypalooza!

Here is the highly acclaimed (by Marty) video of the Eastern Himalayan Community College Almost-Precision, Somewhat-Synchronized Marching Tambourine Band performing at Marty's retirement Martypalooza!

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