Musings and More
Raise a Glass of Glögg and Open the Table to All!
It's time to get ready for our family's annual Julbord, a Christmas Eve tradition passed along by my Swedish grandparents Ed and Dagny Johnson. We more commonly call it a "smorgasbord" which a Swedish friend of mine translates as "lets clean out the refrigerator." While that may be the way [READ MORE]
Flunking Physics – Part 4: “HowThe Bible Proves Science”
Say WHAT? The Bible PROVES science? Don’t we religious types spend a lot of effort doing just the opposite – trying to get science to prove the claims of the Bible? Remember hearing about all those expeditions to Mt. Ararat in eastern Turkey to find Noah’s Ark? And those internet [READ MORE]
Flunking Physics – Part 3: “How the Second Law of Thermodynamics is Changing Your Faith”
There is a certain direction to life. You can "see" this direction when you notice that an egg can become an omelet, but an omelet cannot become an egg; hot water can get cold but cold water cannot get hot; milk can spill but spilled milk cannot unspill; and people - you [READ MORE]
Flunking Physics – Part 2
You'll get more out of this post if you read my previous article about flunking Physics when I was a Junior in High School. If you haven't read it, go do that now and I'll wait for you to get back.... Okay. Welcome back. While I was waiting for you [READ MORE]
How Flunking Physics in High School Taught Me About Faith, Life and Happiness
Okay, so I flunked Physics my Junior year in High School. Not a good thing, especially at the moment in your academic career when you need to start applying to colleges. A big red "F" on your academic record doesn't exactly endear you to college admission departments. Why I failed the class [READ MORE]
Of Guns and Gospel
Another mass shooting, this one at a Community College in Roseburg, Oregon. Nine innocents dead. Seven wounded. At church yesterday a friend expressed pure exasperation. "It's happened again!" she sighed. For her, the Oregon shooting was deeply personal. Three years ago a dear friend and his two daughters had been among [READ MORE]
Well That Was Fun!
My most recent blog post referencing Black Lives Matter elicited quite a response on Facebook. It was interesting to read the comments of others - many of which were very thoughtful but most of which missed the point entirely. My interest is in how religion intersects with life in all [READ MORE]
Feeling Unsettled in a New Happy Place
Well here we are back in Lexington, KY. After a summer of fun and relaxation in NH at Camp Singley it's nice to be back "home" in the Bluegrass - settled into our new house just a few miles away from Bethany and Keith and grandkids Avery and Elijah. Furniture [READ MORE]
A Welcoming-All Church
I was very impressed to read the following statement of welcome from LaSalle Street Church in Chicago. Thanks to Brian Merritt for sharing the link (Brian says this is the church that helped him leave the destructive theology/psychology of evangelical/fundamentalism). I wish all churches would say - and do - [READ MORE]
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Churches I’ve Served
Holy Trinity United Methodist Church
Danvers, MA
First Congregational Church (Oldtown)
North Attleboro, MA
Greendale Peoples Church
Worcester, MA
Tellico Village Community Church
Loudon, TN