Here’s a Mother’s Day sermon and service from 2013 at Tellico Village Community Church. The message starts about 30 minutes in. I hope you find it to be a blessing!
Here’s a Mother’s Day sermon and service from 2013 at Tellico Village Community Church. The message starts about 30 minutes in. I hope you find it to be a blessing!
Beautiful sharing! My Mom would have been 84 this past March. I could easily avoid thinking about her and how quickly she succumbed to cancer if I dashed off a quick joke. (Like how “Ma” is a part of the word “Karma” and therefore Moms are cosmically present in every life-lesson, even in the guilt-soaked Joan Rivers sort of way you’ve described in one of your other messages.) But instead, you asked a question I honestly haven’t given much thought to: “What gifts did she pass along to……me?” We were common, decent, hard-working, middle class mother and son in a typical American family of four (Mom, Dad, brother and myself) so I thought of us as rather ordinary, and not so much about what made her and I…..special.
She was Music! From Mozart, Beethoven and Tchaikovsky to “Happy Birthday” and “76 Trombones”. And so am I.
She was artistic, with a background in Commercial Art for Sears Roebuck & Co., and thus kept a steady supply of brushes, pencils and pens, crayons and markers at hand. And so do I.
And she had a tremendous regard/ compassion for people. And so (I pray) do I…..
She was all of this and more, the half of which I couldn’t measure up to because she set the bar so high……
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Scot. What an amazing Mom you had! Thanks be to God!