The Tail of the Dragon is a famous (or should we say “infamous?”) eleven mile stretch of U.S. 129 winding from Tennessee to North Carolina. Starting at the Tabcat Creek Bridge in Blount County, TN the Dragon winds its way through the Great Smoky Mountains to Deal’s Gap, NC. A motorcyclist’s dream, the 318 curves in the Dragon’s 11 miles challenge even the most experienced riders. While both North Carolina and Tennessee have posted speed limits of 30 mph along the route, many bikers test their skills – and their luck – at much higher speeds. How fast you can cover the 11-miles of the Dragon is the gold standard by which some riders live – and sometimes die.

Life is like the Dragon. It’s full of hairpin curves. While the Tail of the Dragon throws 318 turns at you in 11 miles, the life you are living pitches many more curves.

Many of us wish life was simpler – always a straightaway that we can handle without evasive maneuvers. We want marriage to cruise along according to our personal roadmap, or our children to grow up as we planned. Career paths, retirement dreams and even weight-loss programs are all based upon the idea that getting from Point A to Point B only requires following a certain predictable formula.

But then comes an unexpected turn and you suddenly find yourself on the Dragon.

There’s a reason for that, and it’s not because you’re a jerk who failed to follow instructions.

Life throws you onto the Dragon because you are CAPABLE! You were not made for flying straight and level, but for advanced aerobatics (if I can mix metaphors).

So…a few months after buying my first motorcycle – my beloved Vulcan 900 – I found myself on US 129 staring up at the big yellow highway sign warning riders and drivers alike of the dangers of the Tail of the Dragon. I stopped to think it over.

After several minutes I whispered “Oh, what the hell!” and rolled the throttle.

It was quite a ride, the Dragon’s twists, turns and elevation changes requiring steep leans, constant down and up shifting, and lots of counter-steering to keep the bike tracking true around the hairpins. The first few turns became a few dozen – then a hundred – and finally, all 318!

“Holy shamoley, I did it! That was AMAZING!”

Life is always more fun when you take up life’s challenges and dare to believe you’re capable of so much more than just going straight.