Raise a Glass of Glögg and Open the Table to All!

2025-01-15T13:22:43-05:00December 17th, 2015|Musings, Uncategorized|

It's time to get ready for our family's annual Julbord, a Christmas Eve tradition passed along by my Swedish grandparents Ed and Dagny Johnson. We more commonly call it a "smorgasbord" which a Swedish friend of mine translates as "lets clean out the refrigerator." While that may be the way it once was, our smorgasbord these days involves much more than getting rid of leftovers. On our Julbord table there's always pickled herring (called "sill"), and Potatis Korv (potato sausage), along with Swedish meatballs, macaroni and cheese, shrimp and baked ham. Pickled beets and cucumbers, deviled eggs, and Janssons [READ MORE]