The Sermon Page

Preachers and other sermon junkies are welcome to explore and make use of these sermons. If you preach according to the Revised Common Lectionary, each week you’ll find a lectionary based sermon here:

Lectionary Sermon for Sunday Coming

Others may prefer the library of sermons linked below. Most were originally preached between 1996 and 2014 during my pastorate at Tellico Village Community Church in Loudon, Tennessee.

Sermon Library

Feel free to borrow ideas, stories and whatever may be helpful to your own preaching. Attribution would be nice but is not required. After all, we’re all in this together!

If you happen to run a web site, a link to mine would be appreciated!

Preach on!



The 1865 Henry Erban pipe organ refurbished and modernized by Cornel Zimmer and Sons Organ Builders. Installed at the Community Church of Tellico Village in 2010

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